I'm a semi-casual player (I just don't have the time, but when I play I like to get into it) and I don't have the best record or anything (50% win overall, higher on some tanks) but I do have the occasional "really good game" or "really lucky shot" and people just seem to love to yell "hacks! reported!" and the like.
/r/wotmemes for meme posts that aren't on Mondays. /r/TankPorn for all things Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles. /r/worldoftanksconsole for Xbox and PS4 players. If you're new, read this guide and then this one. Apply for a flair here! TEMPORARILY OUT OF ORDER. Apply for any of the EU, NA or SEA clans. Join the in-game channel RDDT (EU) to chat with fellow Redditors. Pick the flair that matches your server group or clan and enter your WoT-username. NA, EU and SEA Servers - Use Invite Code: REDDITFOREVER for 7 days of premium time, 500 gold, and a Churchill III. > No Filter 20 link/comment karma and >20 days old. WoT-Life (server stats, player/clan stats). GOSU Tactics (tourney info, player/clan stats). WoTInspector (Armor models, replay review, heatmaps, etc.). Tomato.gg (detailed player, tank, and server stats). Tanks.gg (tank stats, armor models, comparisons, player stats, etc.). RDDTX (OPEN, Platooning/Strongholds(6)). RDDT6 (OPEN, Platooning/Strongholds(6 & 8)).